Doug Brown
Pastor, One Hope Community Church
I've known Dave Schnittger as a man of principle with a great desire to serve others. He has an exceptional understanding of the needs of the community and the strategic changes needed at this time. His life of faith and love for family is an honorable example. I'm glad to call him a friend and am confident that the people of District 87 will be served well by his leadership and representation , and his desire to bring about change.

Clark Curry
Retired Businessman
I have known Dave for over fifty years and he is of the highest integrity and impeccable character of anyone I have ever known. He understands the proper function of government and will work hard to get the government off your back and out of your pocket. He is a dedicated Christian gentleman and scholar. He sets himself apart by refusing to take campaign contributions or personal gifts from lobbyists, or PACs that are associated with lobbyists. I wholeheartedly endorse him for State Representative for District 87.

Alan Conner
Pastor, Northwest Bible Church
Dave Schnittger is a man of strong Christian Character who understands well
the threats we are facing in our country and state. Many claim to be conservative
and say they will fight to protect our freedoms and promote godly values but then
they disappoint time after time. Dave is not that man. The Bible says,
"Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people" (Prov. 14:32).
What we need now in Oklahoma are leaders who will stand courageously for
righteousness, defend biblical values and protect our God-given liberties. I believe
that Dave Schnittger is that man.

Jason Murphey
Oklahoma State Representative 2006-2018
If elected on November 5th, Dave will be the rare voice of the people in our state
legislature, resolutely refusing gifts and contributions from the monied special
interests. As a State Repesentative for twelve years, I have witnessed firsthand how
these influences corrupt the majority of our state government. By electing Dave,
House District 87 will be on the leading edge of Oklahoma's return to ethical
governance, ensuring the voice of the people is finally heard and respected.

Carol Rushton
Author, Understanding Israel and the Middle East
I have known Dave Schnittger since the 1970s and worked with Dave at two Christian
ministries. Dave has thw highest moral and ethical standards and loves our country
and our Constitution. Dave will be a great asset to the Oklahoma State Legislature in
protecting our liberties and freedoms. I urge everyone to vote for Dave so we can have
a strong, free Oklahoma and a strong, free United States of America!

Charles Key
Key Financial Advisors, LLC
Former Representative, HD90
I am very proud to endorse Dave for HD 87! He has committed to not take lobbyist donations
and he is a strong Christian and committed to following the Constitution. We need more
people like him in government! Dave will have a positive impact on our state legislature.
Please join me and support Dave Schnittger for House District 87.

Claire Kennedy
State Committee Woman
I believe in Dave because he believes in us. His leadership will be a powerful force for
positive change, and I urge you to support Dave for House District 87. Together, we can
build a more prosperous, secure, and peaceful future for Oklahoma County government.
On November 5th, let's make our voices heard. Let's vote for Dave Schnittger